The Legend Of White Bear (Extended Edition) A Native American Shapeshifter Novel By G.W. Mullins


Nita’s tribe faced the coming of the bear every full moon.  When it came, many would die. 

To protect his daughter, the chief sent her away to live in a rip in time and space, called the void.  He told her it was for her protection, but he never told her of the bear history.

One member of his tribe, was burdened with carrying the bear shapeshifter trait.  For a lifetime, they would be cursed with being both human and bear until their death.  Then a new child would be born to carry the trait.

While in the void, Nita discovers the true horrifying history of the white bear. 

The Legend Of White Bear (Extended Edition)  

A Native American Shapeshifter Novel By G.W. Mullins

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