Haunted Georgia - The Foley House Inn (Savannah)

Savannah, Georgia, is arguably the most haunted town in America, so it’s no surprise that it's home to numerous spooky houses. The Foley House Inn bed and breakfast stands on the very spot where a home was destroyed by the Great Savannah Fire of 1889 and a new one was built in 1896. 

Legend has it that one night a suspicious boarder attempted to strangle Ms. Foley. Unable to scream, she beat the attacker over the head with a candlestick and inadvertently killed him. In exchange for free rent, a guest disposed of the body.

Years later, Foley confessed to the killing on her deathbed but never revealed the location of the body, and most people dismissed the claim. However, during a renovation in 1989, human skeletal remains were discovered in the walls and, ever since, guests have reported seeing a man wearing a top hat in the garden at night, hearing strange noises, and feeling sudden rushes of air. Locals refer to the entity as “Wally,” pun intended.


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